Our Services

  • New Patient Exams

    Your initial visit with us will consist of a comprehensive dental hygiene assessment.  The dental hygienist will start by reviewing your medical history and discuss oral side effects and contraindications if any.  Next she will perform a head and neck palpation checking for any abnormalities and screen for oral cancer by checking hard and soft tissues in your mouth.  A periodontal assessment will be completed as well as an assessment on your overall oral health.  A dental hygiene diagnosis will then be made and a treatment plan specific to your needs will be devised.  Together we can achieve optimal oral health!  You can expect your initial visit to be at least 1 hour

  • Scaling/Cleaning

    Even when maintaining good oral homecare most people have some risk factor(s) that contribute to the hardening of plaque called tarter.  Your dental hygienist will suggest a scaling or root planning to remove the buildup.  If left untreated the buildup can lead to gum disease and also cause halitosis.  There are extra measures that can be utilized to ensure your comfort during this procedure such as topical anesthetic.

  • Polishing

    Polishing is using a coarse paste to remove extrinsic stain on the coronal portion of the tooth resulting from different substances such as tobacco, wine, coffee, tea and soda.  Our polishing paste consist of Novamin which is a synthetic mineral containing sodium, calcium, phosphorus and silica.  These minerals are also found naturally in the body.  These particles attach to the tooth’s surface and release ions up to two weeks that help with remineralizing the tooth as well as desensitizing.

  • Sealants

    Sealants are a plastic BPA free filler used in the deep grooves of posterior teeth.  It helps create a smooth surface ensuring easier access to keep clean, helping decrease the chances of developing cavities.  It is especially important and performed frequently on children with newly erupted molars.

  • Fluoride

    A fluoride treatment can be performed at the end of your visit to aid in the remineralization process by strengthening your enamel.  There are various options and will be suggested depending on your risk factors.  Given the fact that we do not have fluoridated water it is beneficial for all!!

  • Desensitizing

    An in office treatment can be applied post cleaning to aid with sensitivity if other treatments have not responded well.

  • Whitening

    We offer take home whitening kits that consist of custom made trays.  An evaluation and cleaning will be performed to assess if you are a good candidate.


What does a dental hygienist do?

A dental hygienist is a licensed dental professional who is registered with their provincial regulatory body.  They work alongside or collaborate with other dental professionals to provide full oral health care.  Their training focus’ on prevention and treatment of oral disease. They will work with you to assess and implement a care plan just for you!

How is a Dental Hygiene office different from a Dental office?

Most of the population have some anxiety or fear when it comes to any sort of dental treatment.  Our aim at Hygienix is to promote a relaxed environment away from the common dental setting.  Less noise and distraction mean that we can focus on education and prevention and together we can strive for your best oral health!

Will I still have to visit a dentist?

Yes, we recommend a yearly exam with a dentist.  However, the hygienist can refer the client to seek a dental exam if they notice something questionable.